
Sinä punainen ruostekasa

Vacation is over and our trip to Norway behind. Time to get back to work and continue the project.
Grinder, hacksaw, iron bar and a lot of brute force. Bent front bar where the radiator should "stand" was tough to deal with but finally came off.

Plastic shield that protects the engine from below was stuck, broken and fasted from many "interesting" places. It was also pain in the ass. Days are getting shorter, darker and colder so I hope I can move Prelude to the another garage which is warm and has better lights. From 18 to 21 is short time to make any progress.
Next time we will get the body parts from white Prelude and start welding them to red one. And hopefully start to get things back together instead of tearing down two cars. Now some remppaviini and also something they call laatuaika.

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