
Maailman kovaonnisin preludeäijä

"Onko tuo se preludeäijä?"
On, just se joka keräilee niitä raatoja pihan täyteen. Mutta ettepä ikinä arvaa, mikä niistä... Antaa kuvien kertoa.

Elokuu 2017/August 2017

Syyskuu 2017/September 2017

Joulukuu 2017/December 2017

Tarviiko tässä nyt sen enempi analysoija.
Hyvvää joulua lukijoille!
Allu & Saana


It's not low but it is lowered

Hello every one.
Before xmas Allu noticed that right front shock absorber was going bad (leaking) and inspection is at the end of January.

So what sane person does? He buys coilovers...

["Ranslate"] Niin että tuota niin niin... Oikean puolen etu iskunvaimennin alkoi vuotamaan ja katsastus on tammikuun lopussa. Yleensä ostettaisiin pari KYB:in iskunvaimentimia mutta Allu meni hänekseen ja osti coiloverit (Korkeus ja jäykkyys säädettävät iskunvaimentimet jousilla)

BC Racing V1 coils for 4th and 5th gen lude were ordered from JH-Sound and little stash of balljoints and other suspension parts (just for suprices).

Coils should lower the car at least 20mm but when we installed front coils ride height rised 30mm (maybe little bad absorbers and springs...)

We lowered the car about 30mm but front didn't look so good. So we came back to garage before new year and adjusted front about 15mm lower.

Wheels are 205/55/16 so this is about low as it gets. Because of 4WS and big tires rear can't go any lower (wheels can't turn because tire hits at mudflap. Front is also at its limits with inner fenders wheels can't turn at any lower setup.

Wheel alignment was done yesterday and time for inspection was today.
Without any notes or repair exhortations we got accepted decision and few more lines to certificate of registration.

["Ranslate] Vaihtoehtoja coileiksi ei hirveen paljon ollut joten alle valikoitui BC Racingin V1 - sarja joka tilattiin pikaisella aikataululla JH-Soundilta. Varalta tilattiin myös kasa koiranluita ja palloniveliä, mutta ne jäivät toistaiseksi hyllyyn odottamaan aikaansa.

Coilien dokumentoinnissa luki että ne madaltavat autoa vähintään 20mm, mutta ensimmäisellä sovituksella keula nousi 30mm (Miten niin väsyneet jouset ja iskarit?)

Laskimme autoa noin 30mm mutta keula jäi vielä traktori asentoon joten ennen uuttavuotta laskettiin keulaa 15mm lisää.

Renkaat ovat 205/55/16 ja auto ei tästä enää madalleta ilman suurempia muutoksia. 4WS:n takia takarenkaat ottavat kiinni roiskeläppiin kääntyessään ja keulasta sisälokasuojat ottavat kiinni.

Nelipyörä suuntauksessa auto kävi eilen ja katsastukseen saatiin aika tänään.
Ilman huomautuksia tai korjauskehotuksia läpi ja rekisteröintitodistukseen muutama lisärivi alustasta.

Tämmönen siitä nyt sitten tuli:


Ohi syyskuun, läpi repaleisen lokakuun, kaipuun kaljakori kilisee

Rakkaat ihmiset! Jos teillä on autotalli, edes pieni sellainen, olkaa onnellisia! Koska joillekin muille viime syyskuu oli virallinen Auton huoltaminen erinäisillä parkkipaikoilla -kuukausi. :D

Kun vaihdat autoosi hilpettä anoppisi takapihalla ja vain on näpit jäässä niin ei se haittaa. Mutta sitten kun alkaa satamaan vettä ja rakeita ja naapurin juhasipilä tulee v*ttuilemaan nurkalle niin tiedät viimeistään, että edes jonkunlainen parakkirakennus ois enemmän ku ookoo.

// People! If you have an garage, even a small one, be happy! Because for some else the last September was the official Maintenance on Several Parking Lots Month. :D 

You're doing stuff to your car on your mother in law's backyard and your fingers start freezing, it doesn't really matter. But when it starts raining water and hails and the donaldtrump next door comes to f*ck around, you finally realize that some kind of a barrack would be more than just ok.

Kumminkin. Tuloksena SiRissä on nyt uudet laturin- ja ohjaustehostimen hihnat. Nämä on nyt purettu ja säädetty ainakin kolmesti, mutta vieläkin huutaa ja vinkuu ku syötävä. Vastustaako? Kyllä. Kärsivällisyyttä ja kaljaa siis.

// The result is, that SiR has now new alternator and power steering belts but still has some problems of getting into the right tightness. Does it contest? Yes. So, some beer and patience.
Saanan äitin 5gen Ludeen tehtiin kans vähän huollon tapaista. Auto on ollut aina melko meluisa ajaa, kilisee ja kolisee sen minkä ehtii. Ei oltu aiemmin löydetty tähän syytä, tosin joitain epäilyksiä on ollut matkan varrella.

Yksi viikko tämä keksi jälleen uuden aktiviteetin, kun vänkärin puolen etuosasta alkoi tuntumaan ja kuulostamaan siltä, että pienimmästäkin töyssystä hakkaa iskarit pohjaan. Siitä sitten paniikkia itselleen tekemään, että kaikki alustasta pitää uusia.

// We also did some replacement to Saana's mom's 5ft gen Lude. The car has always been very loud while driven and we haven't had figured out a reason for this. 

Suddenly the car started to clatter more and more and first we started worrying, if the passenger's side shock absorber was damaged. Well, let's panic a bit that everything has to be replaced.

Päätettiin kuitenkin olla hättäilemäti ja käytettiin riisikuppi tutulla katsastajalla arvioitavana. Hätädiagnostiikka sanoi koiranluut tai iskari, joten ensialkuun tilattiinkin koiranluut molemmille puolille eteen. Osat tuli ihan suhteellisen nopeasti, eli kolmessa viikossa. Eikun vaihtoon ja parasta toivomaan!

// The rice cup was taken to a familiar car inspector who thought that the cause could be either the chock absorber or the antiroll bar links. We decided to order new antiroll bar links to the front and then worry about the rest. The parts were delivered pretty quickly, in 3 weeks. So first this (bull)shit and then let's hope for the best!

No, kuva kertoo kaiken, entiset koiranluut oli vaan vähän käytetyt:
// Well, the picture tells it all, the old ones looked just a little bit used:

Rempan jälkeen kolisevasta autosta tuli kummallisesti erityisen hiljainen ja ainoa alustasta lähtevä ääni on enää normaali iskareiden ominaisääni. Oli kyllä sen arvosta että taivasalla piti vaihtaa! Tämä remontti ei edes vastustanut yhtään ja jo parin tunnin kiroilun jälkeen homma valmis. Ei yhtään normaalia. Mutta ehkä se paras osa, hinta tälle vain 30 euroa. Ei paha Preludelle! :D

// Suddenly after the change a very loudly clattering car became a very quiet one. The only sound now coming from the suspension is the normal sound of the shock absorbers. So worth it, even though doing it on a parkin lot! This time the process did not contest at all (wohoo!) and after two hours of cursing the job was done. Not normal. But maybe the the best part, total costs were only 30 euros. Not bad for a Prelude! :D

Lopuksi kaikki sympatiat meiltä kohtalotovereille, jotka joutuu tekemään hommansa säiden armoilla. <3

// Also, all of our sympathies go to people who have to do their things at the mercy of weather. <3

And thanks Jalmari and Mika for the help!

- Saana & Allu


Summer update part 2: Put some paint on it!


So the huge summer update continues and...yes. :D

During the summer some cosmetic stuff was also done to SiR by painting brake calibers and valve cover black. Also the window trims were retouched with some plastic paint.

So, for all the people out there thinking that Saana does not do anything in the garage and just posts photos, here is some stuff she has done so you can stop the nagging. ;)

Brake calibers before the paint:

And after:
So much better now! Must be because the woman's touch!

The window trims before:

And after (also you can see the repainted brake calibers here):

We do not really recommend doing the window trims with plastic paint, because the paint comes off in the first wash and it really sticks all kinds of shit into itself (like for example, sawdust from the roof renovation). Gotta fix it later... :D

Saana also ground the valve cover to a plain aluminium and for your information, this took 3 days. Later Allu painted it and it and it didn't come out as good as it should've (Saana thinks that it's not that bad...).


While grinding:
And a bad after photo, just that you can't spot any flaws :D

Gotta also fix this one later, like at 2018 after we've fixed the window trims, or something hahaa :D

Then Allu went crazy (again) and bought a used light metal exhaust manifold for SiR from a H22A7 (220hp). Saana shined this one also, even tough that it probably will not stay shiny... :) This also took 3 days and lots of beer to finish. :D

And after:
So get yourself a partner and your life will be so much easier! :)



Summer update part 1: Put some ponies on it

Hello everyone!

For your information, WE ARE ON FACEBOOK! Jeee! Go like our page for more crap like this. :D

And back to this post...
First of all, the rumours that we are too lazy to update the blog are true!
So, now it's time for a huge summer update!

Allu had a summer vacation part 1 in June and that meant two full week with Preludes.
SiR had a huge to-do list including some maintenance so this blog text is pretty much only about that.

We took off the seats from SiR and scraped off the rust under the drivers seat (again).
We also took off the floor mat and cleaned it properly with a textile cleaner. This is actually becoming a tradition to us. :D
Later Allu installed new fm-antenna but the reception is still no good, guess it must be because of the radio.

The timing belt and its tensioners had to be replaced because of five years periodic maintenance schedule. JDM H22A engine is pretty rare in Finland so we ordered all of the parts from AKR-Performance where they were available.

Some time after the order was set, we got an e-mail from AKR that the delivery will be a month late and the parts won't arrive in time for the vacation. After few e-mails back and forth with AKR we managed to rush the delivery a little bit. And luckily, the package did come in time!

This is so crazy, because the place where our project is located is seriously in the middle of nowhere. One morning, when Saana was still sleeping, a HUGE truck had delivered the parts right to the backyard.

In the end, the delivery wasn't even late at all and we even managed to change the delivery address in the middle of a process. This is what we call customer service!

The water pump was also replaced to SiR and mostly the reason was that water pump from Saana's mother's Prelude wasn't changed while timing part renewal and it broke down few months after... Lesson learned. :D

Also some more improvements were made by replacing the automatic timing belt tensioner with KS-Tuned manual one. This part took six weeks to arrive from US, but we believe that the wait will show its worth in the future.

We built the timing belt setup without a balance shaft belt in hope of some extra ponies.
Well, engines' sound is better and tested with our butt measurement we think that the engine has improved its response and has some more torque, but that could also be just our imagination. :D

Translation: Mitähän kuttua? Kohta alkaa kalijat loppua.


Allu has bad touch

Meanwhile Allu has been driving "Mutsin Lude" (White 5th gen BB9)

And like always when Allu borrows the car it starts to do weird things.
Before cold season we changed cooling fluids to stronger ones. freezing point rised from -19 degrees of celcius to -29 degrees. And car doesn't over heat anymore.
To the weird things, original OEM-Start motor solenoid is going bad and where do you find one?
Nowhere! have to change whole start motor...
Refurbished start motor from ebay and we are good to go again.

Stereo system is busted so I put Alpine iXA (that came with SiR) back to business.

Also new sparkplug wires came for SiRi (after two months of waiting)

Some parts for Prelude guys at Kajaani and for main topic Aki's Lude came but more about that later.


Honda Pakastin

Well hello guys! Saana here :)

Hiljaisuutta pahoittelen aluksi, ei ole aiemmin oikein autorintamalla tapahtunut mitään, mutta nyt on!
Liisasin Allulta JDM-Luden ja lähdin kahdeksi kuukaudeksi Leville. Ihan mukava on kun auto jolla ajaa, niin pääsee liikkumaan milloin haluaa. :)
Toisin sanoen, maaliskuulle asti voi tämän Luden spotata Leviltä!

Sorry that we've been a bit quiet for a while...
I've leased the JDM-Lude from Allu and got to Lapland a week ago. I'm working here for two months and It's very nice to have a car to use, since the distances can be very long.
So, from now on and until March the Lude can be spotted from a place called Levi situated in Finnish Lapland!

Tulipahan samalla kokeiltua, mitä melkein 20-vuotias urheiluauto sanoo -40 asteen pakkasesta... Toimii nimittäin niinku junan vessa - ainakin viimeistään 12h roikatuksella! Olin aika yllättynyt, että näinkin hyvin pelasi, vaikka koko viime viikon pakkaset oli vähintään -30 asteessa. En oo yhtään varma, onko tämä auto edes ikinä niin kylmässä ollutkaan... :D

And, now it's tested: almost 20-year-old sports car manages perfectly in -40C!
Last week was extremely cold but I was pretty surprised about how easy it was for us. I don't know if the car has ever been in that cold weather!

Ja ei, en käytä pipoa neljänkympin pakkasella :)
Tällä viikolla ei ole ollut kuin -10 astetta, mikä tuntuu helteeltä edelliseen verrattuna. Alan kuitenkin kohta kutsumaan tätä autoa Pakastimeksi, koska nyt se kerryttää itseensä jääpuikkoja. Niitä muuten saa potkia jokaisen ajon jälkeen pois, muuten näyttää kovin surulliselta. :D Tuleepahan pikku jumppa samalla!

This week the temperature has been around -10, which is perfectly fine and feels very warm after a freezing cold weather. :) Althought, the Lude is starting to get icicles on it, which makes it look pretty sad at times... :D 

Ja mikä pakastin se semmonen on, jos ei ole kunnon jääkerrosta päällä? Puskurin päälle kertyy jäätä, parhaimmillaan 4cm paksuja kimpaleita tänäaamuna irroittelin kun keli nollassa, niin lähti irti. Muuten ihan hyvä talviauto, haha!

Also, the bumper has gained 4cm of ice on it, very nice to have a winter car like this haha!

Tässäpä siis kylän ammareille ihmettelemistä.
All pictures are mine.
Have a nice week guys!

- Saana